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<p>We are <strong>all</strong> about giving our customers a reason to smile, especially on their birthday!</p> <p>With our birthday Boost offer, you can claim your freebie on your actual birthday, but if you can’t make it on the day you can also redeem this offer two days before or two days after your birthday.</p> <p>Check out how it works below:</p>
<p>If you are needing help with anything, whether it's as small as needing to update your DOB, points missing from your VIBE account or you are needing to discuss your most recent experience in length with our team, please send us an email by filling in the contact form, please use the link below:</p>
<p>Sustainability and food waste management is something that is always front of mind in the operations of our stores. Product wastage is also heavily monitored, where there is always an attempt to minimise this in everything we do.</p> <p>Find out more information below:</p>
Made a typo? Said you were 100 years older than you are? Accidentally made your email address No worries! All the details you entered when you first registered can be changed whenever you like! Just let us know and we will get this changed for you asap. Send through your Boostie number and the details you are wanting to change including the correct/new details by using our contact form link below:
Please check out our article below on how to join our awesome team: